[Note from Mark Remond: Once again I am posting a recent reader comment paired with a response from dennis, this time on the topic of female superiority—a topic which first appeared in these pages back in September of 2010 with Beckie Sue’s Wife Worship & Female Superiority, Part 1. ]
LS said:

I think it is actually a bit strange that there is so much resistance to this idea of male inferiority. As individuals we all recognize that some people are better at certain things than ourselves and normally we have no trouble recognizing it and according these people their due. Why can’t men do this with women? If we did, a lot of things would fall into place. men would be at peace as Women’s subordinates. I would like to hear your thoughts on how you accepted female superiority and anything else you have to say along these lines.
dennis’ response:
Thank you for your comment, but i beg to differ on your statement, “Not much of this has been discussed on this forum. I know it’s controversial, but it’s an idea that’s slowly coming out of the closet as we see women outpace men in all sorts of areas.
i think that the theme of Women being morally, ethically, and intellectually superior to men is a common theme that has run through my postings and those of my Wife, Nancy. Unfortunately the rules of society have discriminated against Women, but only because the physical strength of men counted for something in an agrarian and, later, an industrial society. This and
ONLY this allowed men to lord it over superior Women. Additionally, i do not see that the concept of Female superiority is at all “controversial.” It’s not controversial at all, it’s fact! Men are rapidly coming to grips with this and Women have long recognized their innate superiority and have consistently manipulated and worked around men.
ONLY this allowed men to lord it over superior Women. Additionally, i do not see that the concept of Female superiority is at all “controversial.” It’s not controversial at all, it’s fact! Men are rapidly coming to grips with this and Women have long recognized their innate superiority and have consistently manipulated and worked around men.

Do men perceive Women as being superior? Damn right they do! i do and so do many men i know, even men who are yet outside the FLR lifestyle. Women are reinforcing men’s inferior feelings by being more assertive and by challenging patriarchy.