A Romantic Fable of Femdom Fiction

Having recently published a collection of my own femdom fiction, I have found myself scanning the related titles grouped by Amazon on my product page—i.e., “Customers Who Viewed This Item Also Viewed…” On the basis of a  “Look inside,” I've purchased a half-dozen.

Some were good, some so-so, some extremely un-good, to be diplomatic. One, however, was terrific, worthy to go alongside the femdom tales of my friend William Gaius, whom I’ve mentioned here before, and the fiendishly erotic stories of Eosuchus, about whom I’ve also blogged.

The new book is Unexpected Present, a “femdom love story” by Ryan Peterson. I was instantly intrigued and charmed by my “Look Inside.” What’s this, I thought? The opening suggested a Christmas gift-exchange fable along the lines of O. Henry’s legendary “Gift of the Magi”—except instead of canceling each other out, the "Unexpected" love gift exchange promised to compound into a sizzling hot D/s voyage of discovery.

That promise is abundantly fulfilled as the story unfolds. There is lots of kinky experimentation, which drives the loving husband ever deeper into submission as the wife doubles down on her dominance. The ultimate effect, however, is to tighten the bonds of love and friendship along with the D/s bonds.

As the author confided to me later, “I was trying to write a story where the relationship (and love) between the two main characters was as important as the sex scenes.” In fact, for me, the sweet love scenes (with lots of “cuddle time”) made the torrid sex scenes even hotter.

Highly recommended and available in multiple ebook formats from, appropriately enough, SizzlerEditions. Get it early for a romantic and erotic Christmas present.

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