Back in 2008 I wrote an appreciative blog post about a femdom short-story writer signing himself “Eosuchus” (“Josie and Clemmie”). In the last couple yars I’ve posted two of my own attempts (@ 99 cents a download) in this fantasy genre (Mark’s Femdom Fiction), though I don’t consider myself in Eosuchus’ league.

And today I want to recommend William Gaius, an estimable novelist and collegial acquaintance who describes his genre as “magical realism and erotic romance," but which one reviewer called “soft femdom.” Under whatever label, Gaius is a skillful and insightful writer, and especially so in illuminating the romantic and psychological landscape of Female Led Relationships.

Talk about peaks and valleys! Come to think of it, “magical realism” is a pretty descriptive term for a susceptible guy falling under the spell of a naturally dominant woman. In the two novels below (hyperlinked to Kindle editions), Gaius captures the conflicts and ecstasies of this special kind of romantic obsession in a powerful and persuasive way:

LESSONS AT THE EDGE (Parts 1, 2 & 3):
A tale of intergenerational femdom about a young man who falls under the spell of his mother's friend, the dominant and fascinating, RoseAnne Perez.

A Chicago premed student takes a year off from college to gain work experience on an Indian reservation in northern New Mexico, where he is seduced by the force and beauty of his new boss, the mesmerizing Elaine Yellow Star.

Both definitely worth a download.

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