i was at our local Women’s Center the other day and ran into Kaitlin who is continuing Her graduate research. (See my earlier post, “MatriarchalUnderground: Father Didn’t Know Best,” Oct. 25, 2013.) She has accumulated a lot more data and is more confident in the trends She is seeing. Apparently Women during the past several generations have had a lot more control than we suspected!

You may think of the '50s and '60s as being the era of the obedient Woman. Well, think again. And you may think that was not until the '70s that Women gained some real control and personal freedom. Not necessarily so! Yes, the '70s were a time when
Women became more vocal, but, according to Kaitlin’s anecdotal research, Women in earlier decades had plenty of power and freedom.

Consider the following trends that are materializing in Kaitlin's research:

§  The more educated the man, the more likely he is to be in a Female-led relationship. Kaitlin muses that this raises an interesting question: “If we want to achieve Matriarchy, do we simply have to educate men?”
§  In the majority of couples surveyed by Kaitlin, Women exercised financial control.
§  In the all cases studied, the husband had more education than his Wife, but She was still in charge.
§  In the relationships studied. all of the men did at least some housework, and they did it as a matter of routine as dictated by their wives
§  In half the relationships studied, men did at least 50% of the housework.
§  In 15% of relationships, men did all the housework.
§  The wife not working outside the home had no bearing on his doing housework; couples deemed it fair that he take on responsibility no matter what Her employment status.
§  Women felt that their social life and personal pursuits took priority over housework; men agreed.

§  Women enforced their rules in a number of ways: denial of sex; denial of domestic services (meal preparation and sewing, for example); and “motivational speaking.” About a quarter of the Women mentioned physical punishment as a means of discipline.
§  About half of the Women interviewed have admitted to having an affair. Interestingly, when this topic was brought up among the male half of couples interviewed, none of the men suspected their wives of an affair. Women apparently keep secrets well, even though most of those who admitted having an extramarital affair also said they had confided this to at least one Woman friend.
§  Some affairs were one-night stands, some lasted years. The number of lovers varied, but no one to date has approached Darlene's 20+gentlemen
§  Prior to the 1970s, Women with jobs outside the home were less likely to have an affair than were women who were full-time homemakers. It was not until the '70s that working outside the home correlated to women having an affair.
§  Although it's not the subject of Her research, Kaitlin suspects that today's professional Woman is highly likely to have an affair because of the attraction that strong, powerful Women have to desirable men. i can see this dynamic in play with my own boss, Carol.
§  Kaitlin also cites a statistic from some other research that says that when a Woman earns more than $75,000 per year, the likelihood of Her having an affair goes way up.

Where is Kaitlin's research headed? An intriguing question. All I can tell you is that Kaitlin, who regards Herself as a Female Supremacist, is pursuing a graduate degree and wants to find a college teaching position, perhaps in a Women's Studies program, from which She can continue to work inspiring and empowering Women.

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