The pro-Female dynamics in our family may be unconventional at the moment, but the Female Led movement is gaining ground fast, and I feel that my children will one day be ahead of the game and better prepared for the world that is coming.

But even if our lifestyle were still to be frowned on in the future, I still feel strongly that it is right to conduct ourselves in the way we do.

When it comes to our children, my Goddess Wife and I put both of them first. Their happiness is central to our family. My Wife and I both make sacrifices for them, but we find that there is more scope for me to give things up—with the help of my Wife.

For example: I used to eat too many sweet things, and now, at my Wife’s direction, that has been stopped. The ideal that my Wife likes to promote for males is one of being slim and trim, and for Women to be rounded and larger.

We both agree that the pervasive effect of media stereotypes (and, to an extent, the “War on Women”) has been to make females thin and weak through dieting and shame about size.

In our family the Women are large and strong, while the calories are restricted for us males.

Here’s how mealtimes embody this families dynamic: My son and I must wait for the lasses to start first, so they get first choice in certain foods. Either we start to eat only after the lasses have already begun their meal, or we may eat at a later time.

Either way we have smaller portions

In this way, the most basic apportionment of power in the family is demonstrated through the apportionment of calories.

Clearly, the idea that the big lion gets the lion’s share of the food is reversed in our house. It’s the Lionesses that get the Lionesses share.

And all of us—my Goddess Wife and I, and our Daughter and son—feel that this is exactly as it should be.
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