(Longtime blog reader and commenter “Zardoz” is the devoted and dutiful husband in a Female Supremacist household in the UK. The rest of the family consists of daughter and son and the woman Zardoz variously addresses as “Boss,” “Goddess,” or simply “Ma’am.” I am happy to report that Zardoz has agreed to provide us occasional glimpses into what he considers this “utterly blissful lifestyle.” As with the guest posts from dennis, I have not altered Zardoz’ preferred Female Supremacist/Feminist styles styles of spelling and capitalization.—Mark Remond)

Recently we had a little change of routine at our house. It was decided that the Daughter of the house was old enough to stay up later. She is a year younger than her brother, but he will keep to his bedtime unless he is needed by me to help with chores.

Here’s how it works. Say we are all watching TV together (as we often do). At a certain time of Her choosing, my Wife will just clap Her hands and say, “Okay, boys to bed.” It’s understood that the Females will stay up.

My son was at first indignant and at having to go to bed earlier than his younger sister, and I must say that I, too, was a bit miffed. But of course I tried not to show it and undermine my Wife's authority.

Later on in private, my Wife listened to my respectfully expressed reservations, then agreed that I would be allowed to stay up if I had household tasks that needed to be completed. Otherwise it was to be bedtime immediately for “both boys.”

As a result of this new routine, there are groans and plaintive pleas from our son to be able to finish watching a particular TV show. But he is told by the Females that they will record it or find it on other media so that he can watch it when he has more time.

It’s a funny feeling at first not being able to stay up as long as a child (and my own child, at that), but I think it sends a very good message to both our children about the respective positions of the sexes.

And it gives time for the Ladies to be together and discuss important things without males being about.

Indeed, I hear more and more that my Wife and Daughter have been discussing things and that they have decided on something.

Sometimes it’s presented as a “common front,” a consensus Female ruling. At other times it’s made explicit that the younger of the two has decided.

It’s good training on two counts: For my Daughter when She will have to lead a family of her own; and also for me and my son on how to be led by Females.

I agree with others here on the blog, that if this was reversed along traditional patriarchal lines, people would not question it because… well, because isn’t that the way things have always been?

By the way, there’s nothing at all sexual in any of this.

Postscript: Later, cuddling with my Goddess and listening to Magic FM, I think how peaceful and tranquil it is here in the love that She has created for all.

And then it’s time to tidy up and off to bed.
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