Several times i’ve mentioned the informal workshops Nancy and i occasionally conduct at our local Women’s Center, workshops aimed at encouraging Female-Led Relationships. i’ve also written several posts* about one of the past attendees, Kaitlin, a young woman student at a local college who, partly through our encouragement, became enthralled with Female-Led Relationships.

Kaitlin, who regards herself as a Female Supremacist, is pursuing her graduate degree with the goal of getting a college teaching position in a Women’s Studies program from which She can continue to work inspiring and empowering Women. So far, in fact, most of her wide-ranging research projects have been related, directly or indirectly, to female empowerment.

Recently Kaitlin has been conducting preliminary research on what factors constitute solid relationships. She’s working on a theory that, for the increasing number of Alpha Females, beta men – or as She calls us, “beta bois” – make better partners. It’s all about opposites attracting. Kaitlin is finding out that Alpha Women like a beta boi in their lives, and that they consider them to make better husbands. Alpha men aren’t out of the picture, though; according to Kaitlin’s research, many Alpha Women regard Alpha men as wonderful play toys, although not many consider them as viable long-term partners.

It’s fascinating what Kaitlin has discovered so far. Her long-range goal is to come up with a richly detailed portrait of the modern, Woman-led marriage. In her current phase, she is working to develop a questionnaire through which to conduct her further research.

My question to the readers of this blog: Are you interested in contributing to Kaitlin’s ongoing research? If so, and you are currently living in a Woman-Led Marriage, at some point I may ask for your responses to specific questions on this increasingly popular relationship dynamic and lifestyle. Stay tuned.

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