With the holidays approaching, men are looking for gifts for the Women in their lives. i volunteer in a Woman’s Boutique at busy times of the year year selling everything from business suits to lingerie. i often serve Women in the shop and love doing so, but my primary responsibility is serving men who come in – bewildered - looking for gifts. But occasionally there’s the knowledgeable, fashion aware, sophisticated gentleman who obviously enjoys shopping for the Woman in his life – his Queen. For such sophisticated gentleman i offer the following:
Gifts aren’t just for the holidays – We’ll discuss this in another post, but gifts can and should be given your Wife all year round.
She’s expecting something nice – not necessarily expensive – but something thoughtful that shows you notice Her and Her sense of style. She knows that you are likely on a limited budge since She controls the finances but getting Her a gift is an absolute necessity!

Look for discounts – Department stores have coupons and sales; take advantage. If there are after-hours sales i take advantage of them, but only if i have permission from Nancy or Sue to be out at odd hours
Shop early – If your Wife is a popular size – a 6-8, for example – you may find Her size in that perfect skirt is out of stock... Rember, an “I owe you a gift” card doesn’t work – shop early!
Catch up on fashion – You’re likely to be buying clothes, so learn what’s in vogue. Window-shop, visit stores, and read fashion magazines. i subscribe to a fashion magazine as does Sue; i enjoy perusing the pages and getting ideas for gift-giving.
Know her sizes – Nothing frustrates me more than to have a customer come in and not know sizes! he’ll go through the “Oh, She’s about this tall” thing and look like a helpless puppydog. i’m not sympathetic. As a minimum you should know the following:
§ Dress size – usually even numbers, 2-4-6-8-10-12-14, and so on – check the dresses in Her closet
§ Bra size – usually a number and a letter, 34C, 38DD, and so on
§ Panty size – can be numerical, 5-6-7-8, or correspondingly, S-M-L-XL
§ Outer wear size – coats may be S-M-L-XL
§ Shoe size and width
§ Pantyhose – usually A-B-C-D-E-F
§ Ring size – yes, ring size, numerical sizes starting at 5-6-7-8, may have half sizes, too. Take one of Her rings that fits to a jeweler, who’ll be able to instantly determine your Wife’s size. Buy a ring ½ size larger if it’s a wide ring...
Know Her preferences – notice Her and what She likes:
§ Clothing colors
§ Cosmetics – favorite brands
§ Perfumes – favorites
§ Dusting powder
§ What does She read? Steamy romances? Mysteries? Favorite authors? You should know!
§ Does She do crafts? Find out, perhaps there’s a gift here!
§ Pantyhose brand, shade, and style
Some suggestions and comments
Business suit – A coordinated outfit for work is always appreciated. A business suit can come with skirt or slacks or both, which enhances the flexibility of the outfit. Select a jacket and matching skirt, a blouse, scarf, and a quality costume jewelry item, a necklace, earrings, or a bracelet.

Club dress – a club dress is a bit more risqué than the little black dress. A wide variety can be had and they are more expensive than the little black dress. Hemlines are shorter, slits are higher, and necklines are definitely more revealing. No need to arrange a night out, a club dress is for Girl’s night out!
Sweater – something She’ll always appreciate; knowing Her bra size can help when buying a sweater – buy quality and She’ll have it for many seasons.
Shoes– I don’t advise buying shoes since you may have a size issue, but if She’s looking for that special pair of pumps, then buy them. Be sure to get Her size and be sure that they can be exchanged for another size after the holidays; the concern here isn’t exchange policy but rather whether the shoe will be available
Jewelry – A Woman can’t have too many rings or too many earrings! Start by seeing what She has and plan accordingly. Hoops of various sizes and shapes are always appreciated, as are bangles and bracelets. Fun-to-wear dangling earrings are a hit, too - it seems that the bigger the better here! i look for quality pieces that go beyond the norm.
Lingerie – Buy quality lingerie at either a specialty store or the lingerie department of a big department store. They’re likely to have wide selections and knowledgeable sales help. i’ve always enjoyed visiting the lingerie department – it’s a celebration of Women, what with all the colors and styles to be had. Wonder among the rows and racks of pretty things, everything on its own hanger to be examined and felt, all attesting to what we know already – Women are special. Some hints for lingerie:

Peignoir – A luxurious nightgown ensemble is sure to be appreciated; combines a nightgown and a coat or jacket; it’s usually long – ankle length, but can be shorter. Add a coordinated panty to the ensemble. A specialty shop will have the mandatory high-heeled malibu slipper as an accessory, thigh-hi nylons with a lace top add to the outfit. For entertaining at home a peignoir goes from after dinner drinks to the boudoir!
Panties– While i wouldn’t buy Nancy a bra, i would buy Her panties; 3-6 pairs of individually chosen panties in a small box with tissue paper and perhaps a sachet; a variety of colors and styles are in order. She’ll love knowing you ventured into the lingerie department to select them. i’ve also used a box of panties as gift wrap; one year i included a diamond tennis bracelet in the box. And a final note on panties; don’t even think of buying packaged panties from a discount store – the last guy who did that is wearing them!
Hosiery – i consider pantyhose and nylons as lingerie for Her legs. Pantyhose used to be a staple of a Woman’s wardrobe but has declined in recent years. Nevertheless, in-charge Women wear them religiously and can’t have too many pairs. i make sure i get Her style and color She wears and then try a few different styles/colors. For example, control top, sheer toe, business sheer in a neutral color for daily wear. i’ll include ultra sheers for dress, some sheer-to-waist for high skirts, seams, and so on – the varieties are endless. Nylons for wear with a garter belt are also nice as are lace-top thigh-hi stockings. She’ll love the hosiery but also that you ventured into the hosiery department to buy them!
Perfume – It’s a holiday staple and worth visiting the cosmetics department for. But beware, not all Women like perfume. Nancy told me not to buy Her perfume; i did and now She has me wearing it!

A day of service – Some Women in the family receive four coupons from me, each for two hours of inside work. The coupons are printed on stock paper and presented in a fancy envelope. Sue decides who receives the coupons and schedules my redeeming them. The coupons are transferable so the recipient can give them to a Woman-friend if She desires. Service is an appreciated gift that usually has me doing heavy cleaning.
Shopping Service – Since my work at the Boutique is well known, men always approach me, asking for help with gifts for the Wives and Girlfriends. i’m only too happy to accommodate them – for a fee – a flat 25% of the total bill. Gift-wrapping is extra. Nancy and Sue allow me to keep all the money i make from the shopping service provided i spend all of it on them and the Women in the family. Allows me to make the Women happy; the Family’s Women as well as the Women who’ve received the gifts purchased for them through my shopping service.