PARIS—As noted in my previous posting, “I take discipline very seriously in my house, and I think it really helps cement our amorous relationship." And, as promised at the end of that posting, I will here discuss some consequences for severe infractions.

This might be too graphic, but it does give an idea of strict consequences

Of all the consequences for infractions, I think penetration is for him hands down the most humiliating experience. The first time it was done, it was a consequence of his resisting my authority. I had my arms around him while he was doing the dishes, touching his butt, which I do regularly (see below), and he resisted. I wanted to start making love, but he was having a tantrum and said he did not want to. So I made a decision. I wound my hands around his waist and continued to feel him and told him to look straight ahead.
Unfortunately I had to tell him several times and finally I lost my patience. I unzipped his trousers and whispered into his ear, “Get down on your hands and knees.” He started trembling, looking at me and asking, “Why?”

I repeated the command, pointing my finger down at the floor. I kept it down until he knelt down and obeyed. Then I went into my room and got the dildo. I think he expected a spanking. He always grits his teeth beforehand—he HATES to be punished—and returned with it. I pulled down the boxers and that’s when it started.

I hope I am not being too coarse or direct here, but the butt/bottom/posterior is the best place, I think, to humiliate a man. It’s the one spot they never have “invaded.” I don’t know how to say this delicately, but a strap-on should be used as a stern and straightforward punishment. The first time I did this, he cried. Make sure you dominate your little boy completely. I stayed in him a long time and gave him a little kiss, asking him, “Who’s in charge?” while still in him. He could barely get out an answer. “And what’s your job?” I asked next.

“To obey.”


“To obey you.”

“That’s a good boy.”

I patted him and eventually let him get dressed.

This is reserved for serious punishments. For days afterward he didn’t look me in the eye. He was miserable for a long time, but it definitely changed his attitude. I administered these punishments in our teens, and I kept them when we took up dating again. They are just as potent now as they were then.

His Butt

Okay, now I have to admit this is one of my favorite things about our relationship. The posterior/ass/bottom/butt is almost a sacred thing for men; and, of course, because being penetrated is something that rarely happens, unless certain circumstances arise. I am not sure this site is the place for such details, but penetration is a must for the dominant female if she is going to completely put her household in order. For those starting out, however, butt swatting is a good place to start asserting your authority over your man.

I swat my boyfriend’s butt, and it has changed our relationship. Take control of that. Touch it, feel it, grope it, pat it, rub it, know it inside and out, every curve, the whole shape. Make it a habit. Touch it constantly. I sometimes rub it when he is doing the dishes, or scrubbing the floor, or vacuuming. In other words, all the time, just to feel it, and know that it’s all mine.

I DO swat it when I think he’s being sulky, when he’s moping, or just plain being annoying. A good, hard smack on the bottom is just what he needs to get him in line. He doesn’t often have cross words, but when he has a something disrespectful to say, swat that butt! I don’t know about yours, but my man is VERY sensitive to it. He HATES it when I touch his bottom, he feels this mixture of humiliation and gratitude for me touching him.

Pat it lovingly when having sex, or when you admire him or want him to do something. In my house, there is one place he belongs—the kitchen. If he’s not in it, there’s something wrong. So nudge him toward it, and let him know his place.
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